Note : Fields marked * are mandatory. 1 Step 1 Intake Select intake monthSelect an optionJanuaryAprilSeptember Select intake yearSelect an option202520262027 CoursesSelect an optionPearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma in BusinessPearson BTEC Level 3 Ext. Diploma in BusinessPearson BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in BusinessPearson BTEC Level 2 Diploma in ITPearson BTEC Level 3 Ext. Diploma in ITPearson BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in ComputingPearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Computing (Cyber Security)Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Computing (Network Engineering)Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Digital Technologies (Artificial Intelligence - Solutions and Applications)Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in International Travel and TourismPearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Hospitality ManagementPearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in the Animation Industry General English Name of the Student Recruitment OfficerSelect an optionAncy Antony Delita Bincy Gauri MejareGigi AbrahamHaifa HussainLavisha GargNooria MohamedPatson SachirarweRajesh SubediSanghavi SurendrenAleesh AlexAmreen KhanNilesh VadhelSoumen DeyRaj JoshiSameer PhilippThejus RajanOther Applicant personal information First name Last name DOBdate_range Age GenderMaleFemale Nationality Mobile number Emailemail Current address0 / Emirate/city/country Parent/guardian name Contact number Home country addressPlease provide full address0 / Home country contact number Post code Emergency contact details Full name Relationship Mobile number Email addressemail Education background Please tick the highest level of education completed.School leaverHigh school diploma or equivalentUndergraduate degreePostgraduate study School/institution name Country City Year completed Other qualification/ certification name Country City Year completed Evidence ofIELTS/TOEFL/SAT/EmSAT Test score How you will be supported in your studies? Self-funded/workingParent support Are you an agent student?YesNo Agency name Country Contact number Agent emailemail How did you hear about Regent Middle East? WebsiteSocial mediaExhibitionsNewspaper/magazineSchool fairRadioAgentSchool Counselor Other ReferralName/Contact/Counselor Name0 / Regent Middle East student visa We can arrange a one year student visa for local and international students. Do you require student visa sponsorship?YesNo If yes, please fill in and submit the visa application form along with all required documents and pay the necessary fees to proceed with your visa application. Are you vaccinated against COVID-19?YesNo Do you have a disability or medical condition that may require accommodations?" (Yes/No)YesNo If Yes, Please describe your disability or condition and any support or accommodations you may need. Do you have documentation to support your request for accommodations? (e.g., medical letter, IEP, disability report) Applicant declaration to be signed by applicant I, certify that all information and education details I have provided to Regent Middle East are correct. I fully understand that falsification of information can lead to the rejection of my admission application. Applicant signaturetype your full name Passport(front and last page)cloud_uploadUpload Visa or Emirates ID(upload)cloud_uploadUpload Latest education qualifications(transcripts/diploma)cloud_uploadUpload Passport size photo(file should be an image and under 350kb)cloud_uploadUpload TOEFL/IELTS(upload certificates)cloud_uploadUpload Resume/CV(if applicable)cloud_uploadUpload Recommendation letter(if applicable)cloud_uploadUpload Others(supporting documents)cloud_uploadUpload Date of application Submit application Campaign NameCampaign Name Lead SourceLead Source keyboard_arrow_leftPrevious Nextkeyboard_arrow_right