Note : Fields marked * are mandatory.

1 Step 1
Applicant personal information
Emergency contact details
Education background
Please tick the highest level of education completed.
How you will be supported in your studies?
Are you an agent student?
How did you hear about Regent Middle East?
Regent Middle East student visa
We can arrange a one year student visa for local and international students.
Do you require student visa sponsorship?
If yes, please fill in and submit the visa application form along with all required documents and pay the necessary fees to proceed with your visa application.
Are you vaccinated against COVID-19?
Do you have a disability or medical condition that may require accommodations?" (Yes/No)
Applicant declaration
to be signed by applicant

I, certify that all information and education details I have provided to Regent Middle East are correct. I fully understand that falsification of information can lead to the rejection of my admission application.

Date of application
